About Wgoodwin

SYZYGY IMAGERY is my online gallery of digital art for homes, businesses and institutions. I am W Goodwin, an artist bound by blood and experience to salt water, and directed by mixed genetics to explore uncommon places and themes.

After graduating from UCLA in biology and chemistry, I plowed through graduate studies in biochemistry and scientific photography, traveled the world, taught high school and university-level sciences, raised two children and founded two businesses.

Why Syzygy? A syzygy is an alignment of 3 entities, like an eclipse, but I have adapted it to a more emblematic purpose. In my photographic art,syzygy refers to the liminal conjunction of Land, Sea and Air.

My art has appeared in many literary journals, the Museum of the Living Artist in San Diego, the Oceanside Modern Art Museum (California), many commercial art galleries, the Birmingham Children’s Hospital, the lobby of Huish Aquatics Corporate Headquarters, and many magazines and websites. I won the IUCN (Geneva) Underwater Photographer of the Year 2011, 1st in National Geographic's annual competition (Nature), Best in Show at the 2010 International Symposium of Coral Reefs, & 2 1st places in Scuba Diving magazine. I was inducted into the Ocean Artists Society in 2010.

wgoodwin photo